Mars Vet Dog Wisdom Panel 3.0 DNA Swab Test Kit

Mars Vet Dog Wisdom Panel 3.0 DNA Swab Test Kit
Wisdom Panel 3.0 Breed Identification Dog DNA Test Kit makes it easy to find out. With this simple kit, you can swab your dog''s cheek, send it off in a postage-paid box and discover your dog''s genetic background in just 2-3 weeks. It''s traced back to the great-grandparent level with over 250 breeds detected, including almost all of those recognized by the AKC. You decide whether you want the test to be run for mixed-breed, designer or purebred. All of the tests include a predicted weight profile and will check for the multi-drug resistance 1 ( MDR1) genetic mutation that may cause severe adverse reactions to commonly prescribed drugs. The purebred and designer dog tests will also provide a chart that compares your dog with others of the same breed, and the purebred test adds a Homozygosity Profile that measures genetic markers. Detects over 250 breeds, types and varieties including 99% of AKC-recognized breeds. Traces 3 generations revealing your dog''s genetic background. Provides adult weight prediction to help with lifelong nutritional choices for you dog. Includes MDR1 genetic mutation test to check for multi-drug resistance that may cause severe adverse reactions to commonly prescribed drugs. No need for blood testing at the vet, DNA cheek swab identifies dog''s ancestry so you better understand your dog''s unique appearance, training needs, behaviors, and health/wellness needs. Perfect for use on rescues. Customized report provides family tree going back to the great-grandparents and will detect whether it is a purebred, mixed-breed or designer dog. Check your results online in 2-3 weeks. Product codes: 896285002194 700219

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